
Seva has been at the core of Shri Guruji Rugnalayal with each individual having pledged his life to the service of the poor and needy. Every professional with the hospital has taken a conscious call to dedicate his life to this noble cause and made it his/her purpose of life.

The Sevavrati is an individual who is part of a larger group of people, mostly comprising of enterprising senior citizens with a heart to contribute to the hospital by way of their time, expertise and their lives. This concept evolved over the years as retired professionals came forward to offer their time for a worthy cause. What started as a small experiment evolved over the years to become the lifeline of the hospital in terms of bridging the gap and plugging loop holes to ensure a greater sense of efficiency and volunteerism in the organization.

The Sevavrati is seen actively participating in every aspect of the hospital, from the front desk to the OPD, from guiding the rural folks to counseling the families, from bringing home cook food for the patients to contributing to their expenses , from giving a shoulder to lean on to holding hands to say a prayer "..all this and much more is what the Sevavrati is about and all this without accepting any a single paisa. A group of 25-30 Sevavratis man the hospital through the day and do their bit to support and care for the ailing patients and their families" 'the hospital bows down in respect to this spirit of exceptional volunteerism that is now seeing youngsters being inspired to step up and become a part of this wonderful team.